"I tell you, the more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." - Vincent Van Gogh

October 23, 2010

Paisley and "Daddy"

Paisley is our Boston Terrier. He loves his Daddy. Yes, we're one of those couples. We treat our dog like our kid. But, Marty and Paisley have a special relationship. Paisley likes his daddy more than he likes me. This just miiiiight have something to do with the fact that Marty feeds him table scraps and lets him sleep in our bed when I go out of town, but I won't get into that. :)

Right now, Paisley is outside "helping" Marty run electricity to our new shed. Yep, they're best buds.

October 21, 2010


I had a lot of fun making this art print a few weeks ago. Sketched on paper, scanned, colorized in Photoshop, and framed for the guest room!

designing again

So, not many people know that I went to school for graphic design. Lately, I've been stretching those design muscles a little bit with some projects for some friends (and a Grandma). Here's what I've been crankin' out:

This logo is for my friend Ashley who just started a new business:

This is a book cover for my Grandma, or as she likes to call herself, GRANDma. :) She's writing her biography...or is it autobiography? I don't think I've ever understood the difference.

This is yet another book cover for a family friend:

Here's a logo I did for a ladies conference back at my home church in Virginia: